Utilizzando fibre di polipropilene puro al 100%, le cartucce filtranti trattengono sedimenti e particelle indesiderate come sabbia, ruggine, sporcizia e altre impurità sospese nell’acqua. Utilizzabili come prefiltri negli impianti ad osmosi inversa domestica.
Dimensioni: diam. 2″ x lunghezza 10″ – ingresso/uscita filetatti 1/4″ FPT
Specifications |
Flow Rate | 0.5 gpm |
Maximum Operating Pressure | 125 psig |
Operating Temperature | 2 to 38 ºC (35 to 100 ºF) |
Rated Capacity | Dependent on Influent Water Quality |
Reduction Claim | Dirt, sand, and sediment reduction |
Service Flow Rate | 0.75 gpm (2.8 L/min) |
Standard | ANSI (American National Standards Institute) NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) |
Uses | Icemakers, Refrigerators, Under-the-counter, Drinking fountains, Beverage Equipment, R.O. Systems, and in Conjunction with Commercial Purification Systems. |
Special Notices | |
The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by this water treatment system are not necessarily in your water. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system. Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected waters that may contain filterable cysts. |